There are times when i sit in front of the computer and just think of all the people who have wandered away from me. I remember all of the people that I have wandered away from. And then I wonder, will there ever be a time when they might reconnect? Not just for a ‘blast from the past,’ but a real reconnection, a rejoining, a resumption of the friendship routine as if the split had never happened. Probably not, but it has happened, and I dwell in hope that it might happen again.
As much as we may wish it weren’t so, a plain fact of human relationships is this: People come and people go. Someone that we have loved with all of our hearts one day can, quite literally, vanish from our lives the next. Not necessarily from death. Not even from rancor. Sometimes simple circumstance can take a best friend, a lover or a partner right out of your hands, never to be seen again.
Ran Artista of the Week
12 years ago