Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009
virtual world is far different from the reality.

some people, those who have strong personalities don't really apply virtual worlds to reality. they do know, it's just virtual, it's just ingame.

boy met girl ingame. he courted him ingame. she liked him and they become one in game. feelings are involved. can you still say its JUST INGAME?

i don't really know if when a guy and a girl became on ingame, the guy suddenly get serious with her. some guys, have poor virtual reality. girls do have. im sorry to compare but, that's what i see most.

i got so seriously in loved with this guy.. INGAME. i still don't have the guts to have an "in real life" relationship for nobody got my attention yet. crushes are there but im no longer teeny weeny. =) anyway.

so, i was with him for almost 5 months. until he got cold.

every stupidity tear dropped from my eyes, let me realized that virtual should really not conquer your real world.

he's too far from me. he is just ingame. i haven't even touched him or seen him personally.

yah really. he is just a virtual one.
i should have not take virtual reality conquer me. i integrated virtual my daily life and activities.

well, i should just thank him anyway for the experiences.

i just hope he got nice life ahead.

bye alvin =)


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